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Diabetes usually implies high sugar level in blood. There are two types in general. Type-1 diabetes usually develops because the insulin – producing cells are damaged and destroyed by our own immune system resulting in a total lack of insulin production. This is why it is known as an auto immune condition. It usually develops during early stages of our life.

In siddha system of medicine Diabetes is known as Madhumegam. Madhumega or diabetes is further classified into 20 Sab divisions. 4 types of Vata madhumegam, 6 types of Pitta madhumegam and 10 types in Kapha madhumegam are explain in detail. Neerizhivu or madhumegam is caused due to the unplanned lifestyle especially over eating, lack of physical moments, mental stress, genetic and high in take of ghee, milk, alcoholic beverages, and sweet edible items. Symptoms of neerizhivu is characterized by excessive and frequent urination, weight loss resulting in the gradual deterioration of the udal thathukal (the structural built of the body).

Siddha literatures clearly provide solution for the prevention and treatment for Neerizhivu or madhumegam. Unique diet plan, physical and mental exercise including Pranayama and meditation, moral behaviours, spiritual follow up are the gift to humanity by the supernatural saints Siddhars through written texts.

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