
  • Siddha system of medicine is one of the oldest traditional systems originated from Tamilnadu,India.It is believed that Lord “SHIVA” is the founder of the system and conveyed to the people by ’18 Siddhars.’The original texts or literatures of Siddha system are in the language ‘TAMIL’.Plants,Metals,Minarals and Living things are the basic objects of Siddha system.
  • The medicinal plants have theirown individual medicinal effects.In Siddha literature, individual charactor of every medicinal plant is described in clear including their toxic effects.Medicinal plants are used to prepare medicines directly as in herbal preparations and indirectly as in Metalic preparations.
  • Metals and Minarals play a great role in Siddha system. They are very effective in treating serious problems.The purification methods of metals and minarals are clearly mentioned in the Siddha literatures.Various methods to a single preparation by different authors are unbelievable.
  • Living things are very effective,in treating Neurological diseases and certain diseases.
  • ‘Siddha system’ of medicine is a well built system and have some dietary rules while taking the medicines called ‘pathyam’. These are nothing but to enhance the effect of medicine.Dosage is a very essential thing in Siddha medicine.The Dosage must be followed as per the literature and serious complications may occur if the medicine is administered without proper consultation.-Dr.Selvin’s

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